The Inbetweeners

Despite paying £11 at the Odeon Camden to watch a film this afternoon, it still infuriated me that the programme billed to start at 2pm ran adverts and trailers for almost half and hour. I’ve paid good money and for what? Why should I pay to watch advertisements? Someone’s getting money for something here and at £11 per ticket it certainly isn’t the cinema goer. But more importantly the film companies themselves should be concerned as this long charade at the start of their film, especially a comedy, does little to warm the audience up. Indeed, I had finished my overpriced popcorn and drink before the film eventually started leaving me a little annoyed and, I imagine, in not the sort of mood the film makers would want me in when I start watching their film.
OK rant over. Still, despite a sour opening to todays FilmFriday, the movie of the TV comedy The Inbetweeners should get points for changing my mood against all the odds. This show, if you’ve not seen it, is one long “coming of age” TV comedy on E4 (UK only) that appears to appeal to many. This is probably because the characters, whom have more than their share of awkward, embarrasing and shameful moments, will bring back similar forgotten (maybe suppressed) memories from what, you were always informed, were supposed to be the best days of your life. Nothing could be more representative to this “coming of age” theme as the first holiday abroad with your mates. The first taste of freedom from your parents and the promise of sun, sea, sand and sex versus the grim reality of low budget holidays. And it’s all there from the monotonous football chanting from the back seaters on the coach, your arrival at the worst hotel on the resort  to the ubiquitous cheap tequila shots served in plastic beakers similar to the one you drink Beneloyn from.

This is a very British film of a very British sitcom and I doubt very much that it will transfer to any other parts of the globe without being seriously lost in translation. But in a selfish way I don’t care. Like a good cuppa, it’d be wasted on them.

I am always impressed how the writers manage to evoke the essence of a weird age, a purgatorial mezzanine where you’re neither child or adult. “Year 12/13” or “Sixth Form” as it was once known to my generation.Too young to drink, but old enough to drive! Old enough to have sex, but too young to ever get it. Top marks to Greg Davies whose brief appearance as Head of Year Mr Gilbert was as hysterical as it was painfully accurate. And credit to the actors behind the four main characters. I’m sure everyone has their favourite, but there is no favouritism from the writers/director and good for them.

Fans of The Inbetweeners will not be disappointed by what is essentially a summer special of the show.

Posted in 2011 | 1 Comment

1 Responses to The Inbetweeners

  1. […] said, I’m surprised it’s not out during the school summer holidays, like The Inbetweeners. I gave that 3 stars last August and this film is just as amusing in a juvenile way. […]

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